1. A tutorial introduction to estimation and filtering
2. I. A. GURA, “An Algebraic Approach to Optimal State Estimation,” ATR-74(9990)-1, Engineering Science Operations, The Aerospace Corporation (1974).
3. F. SCHMITTROTH, “Generalized Least-Squares for Data Analysis,” HEDL-TME 77-51, Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory (1978).
4. J. B. DRAGT, “Statistical Considerations on Techniques for Adjustment of Differential Cross Sections with Measured Integral Parameters,” in M. BUSTRAAN et al. “STEK, The Fast-Thermal Coupled Facility of RCN at Petten,” RCN-122, p. 85, Reactor Centrum Nederland (1970).
5. A. GANDINI, “Nuclear Data and Integral Measurements Correlation of Fast Reactors,” Part 2: “Review of Methods,” RT/FI(73)22, Comitato Nazionale Energia Nucleare (1973).