1. P. COHEN and T. J. ILTIS, Chemistry in Shippingport Pressurized Water Reactor, p. 181, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Inc., Reading, Massachusetts (1958).
2. L. A. WALDMAN and W. T. LINDSAY, Jr. “Out-of-Pile Dynamic Loop Tests of Irradiated Fuel Materials,” WAPD-BT-7, Westinghouse Electric Corporation (Mar. 1958).
3. Y. B. KATAYAMA, D. J. BRADLEY, and C. O. HARVEY, “Status Report on LWR Spent Fuel IAEA Leach Tests,” PNL-3173, Pacific Northwest Laboratory (Mar. 1980).
4. A. E. NORRIS, “Fission Product Release: Progress Report, April 1-June 30, 1979,” LA-7969-PR, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Aug. 1979).
5. U-B. EKLUND and R. FORSYTH, “Leaching of Irradiated UO2Fuel,” KBS Technical Report No. 70, Kärn-Bränsle-Säkerhet (in Swedish) (1978).