1. W. C. WOLKENHAUER, B. R. LEONARD, and B. F. GORE, “Transmutation of High-Level Radioactive Waste with a Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor,” BNWL-1772, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories (Sep. 1973).
2. U. P. JENQUIN and B. R. LEONARD, “Transmutation of High Level Actinide Waste in Hybrids,” Research Project 268-1, Final Topical Report, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories (June 1976).
3. R. P. ROSE et al. “Fusion-Driven Actinide Burner Design Study,” EPRI ER-451, Electric Power Research Institute (May 1977).
4. G. LANG, “Determination of Procedures for Transmutation of Fission Product Wastes by Fusion Neutrons,” Final Report on EPRI Research Contract 474-1, McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics Company-East (July 1976).
5. T. A. PARISH and E. LINN DRAPER, Jr. “Determination of Procedures for Transmutation of Fission Product Wastes by Fusion Neutrons,” Final Report on EPRI Research Contract 474-2, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, University of Texas (July 1976).