1. G. PETRICH, H. J. BLEYL, E. HAMBURGER, G. HOEFFLE, Z. KOLARIK, H. SCHMIEDER, R. SCHULER, P. SCHWAB, and D. ERTEL, “Prevention of Pu Accumulation and Enhancement of Np and Fission Product Separation,” KFK-4476, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1988).
2. J. SCHOEN, H. J. BLEYL, G. HOEFFLE, E. HAMBURGER, K. KLUTH, H. SCHMIEDER, H. WILDE, and D. ERTEL, “Experiments on Pu Accumulation During Extraction and Fission Product Scrubbing,” KFK-4476, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1988).
3. A. BEYERLEIN, “Nuclear Material Inventory Estimation in Solvent Extraction Contactors II. Final Report for the Period September 1986-September 1987,” IAEA-R-4441-F, International Atomic Energy Agency (1987).
4. Solvent Extraction Calculation Model for Purex Process in Pulsed Sieve Plate Column