1. “BETHSY General Description,” Note SETH/LES/90-97, Centre d’Etudes Nucleaire de Grenoble (Apr. 1990).
2. “ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF) System Description,” JAERl-M 84-237, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (1985).
3. “Multi-Loop Integral System Test (MIST) Facility Specification,” NRC-04-83-168, Babcock & Wilcox (1983).
4. D. W. SALLET et al. “Final Design Report for the UMCP 2×4 B&W Simulation Loop,” University of Maryland, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering (Aug. 1984).
5. C. H. LEE et al. “The Conceptual Design Report for INER Integral System Test Facility,” INER-1098, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (Mar. 1991).