Reservoir Characterization of Ekofisk Field: A Giant, Fractured Chalk Reservoir in the Norwegian North Sea-History Match


Agarwal B.1,Hermansen H.2,Sylte J. E.2,Thomas L. K.3


1. Phillips Petroleum Co. U.K.

2. Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway

3. Phillips Petroleum Co.


Summary The Ekofisk reservoir is a high porosity, low matrix permeability naturally fractured chalk. Fluid flow is largely governed by the distribution, orientation, and interconnectivity of the natural fracture system associated with complex structure and reservoir distribution. Because of the impact heterogeneity has on preferential fluid-flow direction, significant attention was given to capturing as much of the intrinsic heterogeneity as possible, both laterally and vertically, in the new three-dimensionally geological model. A non-uniform simulation mesh was defined for the fluid-flow model with a grid size of 450 ft × 450 ft in the crestal area of the field and increasing towards the flanks. A flow-based upscaling technique was then applied to preserve the heterogeneity from the geological to the fluid-flow model. Because of the complexity of the Ekofisk field, with its numerous faults and fracture networks, anisotropy was one of the primary attributes calibrated to achieve an individual well and field history match. However, faults and fault sealing factors, vertical permeability, pseudorelative permeability curves, bubblepoint pressure correlations, local permeability, and rock compressibility were also key parameters in the history match, and are presented in this paper. A brief discussion on the preliminary implementation of water-induced compaction is included.


Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)


Geology,Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology







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