Application of Simplified Capacitance Resistance Model Approach (CRM) to Optimize Inverted Nine Spot Injection Pattern


Wan Khairul Anuar W. M.1,Romle A. N.1,Kamis A. B.1,Motaei E.1,Kamat D.1


1. Petronas


Abstract As the oil and gas industry continues to evolve, advanced analytical tools have become a critical component in improving field withdrawal and injection performance. This paper showcases the effectiveness of the Simplified Capacitance Resistance Model as an analytical tool in optimizing an inverted nine-spot injection pattern in a large carbonate oil field with over 100 producers and water injectors. Additionally, the paper explores how these methods can improve the overall efficiency of pattern waterflooding in the field. The overall approach integrates the simplified CRM to balance withdrawal and injection patterns. Initially, basic surveillance data is used to optimize production and withdrawal surveillance. To incorporate connectivity understanding between injectors and producers, Simplified CRM output is added as additional parameters in the inverted nine-spot pattern to optimize production strategy. The integrated approach presented in this paper has resulted in optimized injection and withdrawal across injection patterns, assisting to regulate field production for long-term sustainability. For each injector surrounded with a minimum of 8 producers, this approach governs the withdrawal and drawdown from each producer to ensure consistent oil sweep within the patterns. In addition, it also acts as an optimization tool to cater for any production balancing required by the production facilities, improving response time to mitigate production setback and realizing production requirement. The approach effectively incorporates a large amount of surveillance data into a systematic work process, providing clear output and optimization production strategy. This paper presents an alternative approach to utilize the simplified CRM as an analytical tool for pattern balancing in a large carbonate oil field. The use of simplified CRM to optimize production and withdrawal surveillance adds to the state of knowledge in the petroleum industry. It will benefit readers facing similar scenarios and field configurations.



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