Polymer Flooding: A Sustainable Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Current Scenario


Silva Ivonete Gonzalez1,de Melo Maria Aparecida1,Luvizotto Jose Marcelo2,Lucas Elizabete F.3


1. Petrobras S.A.

2. Petroleos Brasileiro S.A.

3. U. Federal Rio de Janeiro


Abstract This paper presents a simplified economical analysis of PETROBRAS' experience with the pilot project for polymer mobility control in the Carmópolis field, and an evaluation of the world and Brazilian current scenario of this technology. The positive results of this pilot and the new world scenario of the oil industry, shown here, assure great potential of this technology, especially in a time marked by a rising oil prices and growing environmental and social conscience. The pilot project was aimed firstly to evaluate the fit of the polymer technology to Carmopólis field, considering the particular characteristics of the field regarding rock heterogeneities, oil type, water salinity, temperature, pressure, etc. A second goal was to obtain know-how in all the project phases like lab tests, design and operation in field scale and, finally, technical and economical analysis as a function of the additional oil recovered and the direct investment. This economic analysis is a starting point for more comprehensive economical evaluations. This economic evaluation closed the sequence and will be important to the possible future unfolds. This evaluation was done with a special criteria because of the operational typical difficulties of this kind of project. All the investment is justified by the fact of polymer injection to be, according the literature, the easiest application and one of the lowest cost of the incremental oil and besides, the onshore experience is the first step for the future offshore field application. This experience demonstrated that the injection process of polymer for mobility control is efficient even for heterogeneous reservoirs as Carmópolis field, and still, in a sustainable way, in other words, with increase of the oil production and reduction of the use of the water and consequentially of the water produced, and of the costs and of the environmental problems associated to this water, in agreement with the new world partner-environmental conscience. Introduction The first experience by PETROBRAS with polymer was in 1969, Carmópolis field, in the so called "Pusher" project, with the polymer injection in the main block that lasted until 1972. The final evaluation of this Project, just done in 1989 by PETROBRAS Research Center (1), generating many controversies relative the success, or not, of the process. Many questions came up at the time, among them the correct design of the injected polymer slug, the product select, the surface equipment and the generated data accuracy. Years later, despite of the controversial of this experience, the process attractively increased even more with the technologic advantages reached by polymers stimulating the PETROBRAS to invest in new polymer pilot, again in the Carmopólis field (September/1997). The principle involved in the polymer project process to the mobility control is well-known; however its application in field is directly connected to the reservoir selection as well as polymer and slug specification (2–7). Another important point of this kind of project is the evaluation of the results (8) that for being a long step and involving a big group, if it is not done with criteria can harm all the experience. Polymer flooding in oil reservoirs has been performed for several decades around the world. The polymers act basically increasing the viscosity of the injected water and reducing the porous media permeability, allowing for an increase in the vertical and areal swept efficiency of the water injection and, consequently, increasing the oil recovery. The main subject of the pilot projects in PETROBRAS was to gain know how in the process, for a possible future expansion to other reservoirs and even to offshore fields. Because of the volume of information about this pilot experience, results have been presented in parts. A first previous paper presented the lab work on polymer and pilot area selection among with the field pilot design from that laboratory physical simulation. Then, a second paper was devoted to the technical evaluation, i.e., the reservoir response in terms of injectivity tests, characterization with tracers and analysis of the positive changes found on production profiles (7, 8). Finally, a simplified economical analysis of this experience is presented here as well as an evaluation of the current scenario of this technology.



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