Ovariectomy of a brown bear (Ursus arctos): a case report


Radisic B.,Sindicic M.,Huber D.,Kusak J.,Gomercic T.,Vnuk D.,Maticic D.,Slavica A.


Reproductive control is regularly implemented in bear facilities to prevent crowding of enclosures and surplus animals. Ovariectomy may represent an efficient method of sterilizing bears yet has not been reported in the literature. A 73 kg female brown bear, age two years and three months, was anesthetized for ovariectomy with tiletamin and zolazepam (Zoletil<sup>&reg;</sup>, Virbac S.A., Carros Cedex, France) and medetomidin hydrochloride (Domitor<sup>&reg;</sup>, Pfizer Animal Health, New York, USA). A 25 cm midline incision that extended from the umbilicus to the pubic brim was made. The suspensory ligament was stretched and blunt dissected so that ovaries in bursa were exposed on the surgical field. A "Figure 8" ligature was placed between two forcepses and a circumferential ligature was placed around proximal forceps at the ovarian pedicle. Another "Figure 8" ligature was placed between two forcepses and a circumferential ligature was placed around distal forceps at the cranial tip of the uterine horn. No surgical complications occurred, and no complications have transpired during the 12 month post-operative period.


Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences


General Veterinary








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