1. Canine reduction in the Miocene hominoid Oreopithecus bambolii: behavioural and evolutionary implications
2. Los vertebrados fósiles del Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, l’Anoia, Cataluña), una sucesión de localidades del Aragoniense superior (MN6 y MN7+8) de la cuenca del Vallès-Penedès. Campañas 2002-2003, 2004 y 2005.;Alba;Estudios Geológicos,2006
3. Middle Miocene vertebrate localities from Abocador de Can Mata (els Hostalets de Pierola, Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain): An update after the 2006-2008 field campaigns.;Alba;Paleolusitana,2009
4. Enamel thickness in the Middle Miocene great apes
5. Brief communication: The oldest pliopithecid record in the Iberian Peninsula based on new material from the Vallès-Penedès Basin