1. 1) The Japan Welding Engineering Society (1980) Shakouhogogu no seinouhyouka tou ni kansuru chousa kenkyu seika houkokusyo [A research report on the performance of eye protectors against optical radiation], The Japan Welding Engineering Society, Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese).
2. 2) Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (2007) Technical terms for analytical chemistry (optical part), JIS K 0212, Japan Standards Association, Tokyo (in Japanese).
3. 3) International Commission on Illumination (2011) International lighting vocabulary, CIE Standard CIE S 017/E: 2011, International Commission on Illumination, Vienna.
4. 4) World Health Organization (1994) Ultraviolet radiation, Environmental Health Criteria 160, World Health Organization, Geneva.
5. 5) Sliney D, Wolbarsht M (1980) Safety with Lasers and Other Optical Sources, Plenum Press, New York.