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3. Assessment of the influence of higher harmonic components of current on the rate of relative wear of winding insulation of power transformer / N. E. Bondarenko, K. V. Latyshov, E. G. Zenina, A. V. Strizhichenko. International scientific and practical conference, Volzhsky, October 23 – 26, 2019: abstracts. – Volzhskiy: Branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research University "MPEI" in Volzhskiy 2020;: 40 – 42.
4. Assessment of reliability of electrical equipment in the presence of higher harmonics currents and voltages / M. M. Sultanov, E. G. Zenina, V. G. Kulkov, O. I. Zhelaskova / Electrotekhnika 2021(8): 62 – 68.
5. GOST 32144-2013 Electrical Energy. Compatibility of technical means electromagnetic. Quality standards of electric energy in general purpose power supply systems.