Application of an inertial vacuum trap for separation of the solid phase of carbon dioxide from the flow of fuel combustion products of boiler units


Kondratyev N. V.1,Mostovenko L. V.2


1. Omsk State Technical University

2. Nizhnevartovsk State University


The technological process of low-temperature purification of fuel combustion products of boiler units from carbon dioxide by freezing it in a turboexpander and separating from the fuel combustion products flow in a separator is considered.The issue of separation of solid carbon dioxide from the flow of fuel combustion products of boiler units using a bag filter, an electric precipitator, a cyclone separator and an inertia-type separator is considered. Based on the analysis, the use of an inertial vacuum separator for separating the solid phase of carbon dioxide from the flow of fuel combustion products is proposed.Solidworks and ANSYS CFX modules were used for numerical modeling. To solve, the equations of continuity, motion, energy, and the k-ε model equations are used. The closing equation is for the effective and turbulent viscosity. There is also a description of the forces affecting the movement of the dispersed phase. The stream is considered lightly dusty.Numerical studies of the dispersed flow in the channel of an inertial-vacuum separator and in the previously used cyclone TsN-11 were carried out. The initial data for the calculation were taken based on the known mass flow rate and particle concentration, as well as from the continuity equation. From the results obtained, we can draw conclusions about a directly proportional relationship between the growth of the flow rate characteristics of the flow, the speeds along the flow path of the apparatus at the inlet and the resistance of the apparatus.Besides, based on the obtained calculation results, it was concluded that it is necessary to additionally install a rotary industrial air blower in order to create the necessary pressure drop in the inertial vacuum separator. The economic and environmental feasibility of installing a rotary air blower is consideredThe range of consumption of fuel combustion products has been determined at which the most effective purification of fuel combustion products from carbon dioxide in an inertial vacuum separator is possible within the technical characteristics of the refrigeration capacity of turborefrigeration machines.


NPO Energobezopasnost

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