Degenerative diseases of the optic nerve can result from a variety of causes, including increased intraocular pressure, impaired blood supply, and physical trauma (e.g. due to retroorbital hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury). As the optic nerve is composed of retinal ganglion cell axons, primary retinal lesions (especially those affecting the ganglion cells and nerve fiber layers) often result in concomitant optic nerve pathology, including degeneration.
The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of treating degenerative diseases of the optic nerve with the drug cytocholine based on functional changes data.
Матеріали та методи. Під спостереженням знаходилось 32 пацієнти з нейродегенеративними захворюваннями зорового нерву, які знаходились на лікуванні в офтальмологічному відділенні в 2019-2024 рр. Всі пацієнти були розділені на дві групи в залежності від вибору лікування. До першої групи пацієнтів увійшло 16 хворих, яким проводилась класична схема лікування дегенеративних захворювань зорового нерва (антиішемічна, нейропротекторна, метаболічна, гіпотензивна, ноотропна терапія та нейротропні вітаміни). Другу групу склала решта - 16 пацієнтів, які до вищевказаної терапії додатково приймали комбінований препарат з цитоколіном та вітамінним комплексом.
Materials and methods. 32 patients with neurodegenerative diseases of the optic nerve who underwent therapy at the ophthalmology department from 2019 to 2024 were observed. All patients were divided into two groups based on their treatment choice. The first group included 16 patients who received standard treatment for degenerative optic nerve diseases (anti-ischemic, neuroprotective, metabolic, hypotensive, nootropic therapy, and neurotropic vitamins). The second group comprised the remaining 16 patients who, in addition to the standard therapy, were administered a combination drug containing cytocholine and a vitamin complex.
Results. One of the most revealing and significant findings is the dynamic change in visual field among patients in group 2 (with the addition of cytocholine to the treatment regimen). A statistically significant positive trend (p < 0.001) in the increase of average deviation of retinal photosensitivity from the norm (MD) was observed that was confirmed not only by perimetry data but also by subjective reports from patients. These changes were noted in all 16 patients of the second group.
Conclusions. Adding a complex of cytocholine with vitamins to the classic treatment regimens for degenerative diseases of the optic nerve lead to better functional results 6 months after the treatment.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy