The aim of this study is to determine the presence of anxiety-depressive disorders in patients with hypertension and to determine their impact on the physical component of health, depending on the place of their residence of patients. Participants and methods. The study included 152 patients with hypertension and its comorbid conditions who received treated at the Poltava Regional Clinical Medical Cardiovascular Centre from 2018 to 2022. The patients were divided into three groups based on the progression of hypertension and were subsequently evaluated for anxiety and depression. Additionally, their physical component of quality of life was assessed using a questionnaire, with separate analyses conducted for residents in rural and urban settings.
The study has found that the level of the physical component of quality of life significantly (p<0.05) decreases with increasing comorbidity. It has been also revealed that the level of anxiety and depression affects the indicators of the physical component of quality of life (r>0.90). A clinically significant difference (10 points or more) has been be noted in patients with comorbidities between hypertension, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus living in urban and rural areas. Thus, the physical functioning (PF) score was higher in urban residents and amounted to 56.5±1.1 (95% CI 54.1-58.9) versus 44.8±1.8 (95% CI 41.0-48.6) (p<0.05) in rural residents; and the general health (GH) score was similarly higher in urban residents 48 (43.5-52.5) vs. 38 (35-48) in rural residents (Mann-Whitney U test - 61, p<0.001). Thus, manifestations of anxiety and depression were more often observed in patients from rural areas with comorbid hypertension.
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
General Materials Science
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