Purpose. Development of a fuzzy indoor air quality control system and research of the efficiency of an automated complex for increasing the concentration of air ions, namely a small-sized ultrasonic generator of air ions and a pump unit in the conditions of a complex ventilated air environment of work premises. Design/methodology/approach. The comprehensive research carried out is important in the context of the development of measures and means and the research of their effectiveness in maintaining the aeroionic regime of industrial premises at the regulatory level. Conclusions. The structure of an intelligent indoor air quality control system is proposed, which implements a combined change in the rotation speed of the fan and pump and the power of the ultrasonic aeroion generator. For the first time, a formalized criterion for the optimality of the indoor air quality management system is proposed, which depends on individual preferences of people regarding the comfort of the production environment and standardized parameters of temperature, relative humidity, and concentration of air ions in the working space. The task of the intelligent control system is to minimize the proposed criterion. Limitations/consequences of research. The proposed recommendations are universal and can be used in various areas of business to create safe and harmless working conditions in production. Practical consequences. The use of the developed small-sized ultrasonic aeroion generator not only significantly increases the concentration of aeroions in the working area, but also due to the baloelectric effect minimizes the negative impact inherent in most existing ionizers, namely the generation of ozone and nitrogen oxide, which significantly improves indoor air quality and thereby increases the level of industrial safety and labor protection. Originality/meaning. The existing control systems assume that standard ionizers (corona discharges) are inserted in the room, so there was a need to develop and research a modern intelligent system for controlling the quality of the indoor air in the working area of industrial premises using an aeroion generator and automated displacement ventilation.
National Scientific and Research Institute of Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety and Health
General Earth and Planetary Sciences
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