TAF-BW - Real Laboratory as Enabler for Autonomous Driving


Ochs Sven1,Fleck Tobias1,Orf Stefan1,Schotschneider Albert1,Gontscharow Martin1,Polley Rupert1,Zofka Marc René1,Viehl Alexander1,Zöllner J. Marius1,Simon Kevin2,Frey Michael2


1. FZI Research Center for Information Tech

2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


<div class="section abstract"><div class="htmlview paragraph">Given the rapid advancement of connected and automated transportation, its applications have significantly increased. They are being studied worldwide to shape the future of mobility. Key promises are a more comfortable, efficient and socially adapted kind of mobility. As part of the EU Horizon2020 project SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption (SHOW), the Karlsruhe Test Site in the Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg (TAF-BW) addresses aspects of scalability to overcome challenges, which have so far hindered market penetration of this future-oriented kind of mobility.</div><div class="htmlview paragraph">The explored services, including passenger and cargo transport, are closely linked to the daily travel requirements of road users, particularly in peri-urban areas, to cover the last mile of their journeys, connecting them to public transport. The provided high-definition maps and the smart and intelligent roadside infrastructure of TAF-BW facilitate the testing and evaluation of automated and connected vehicles and provide supervision possibilities of the operation.</div><div class="htmlview paragraph">This article provides a general overview of the components, which were consistently deployed on the side of the shuttle as well as roadside infrastructure, enabling the interaction between AVs and infrastructure. This encompasses the integration of external sensors for perception purposes and the communication interface established with autonomous vehicles, in particular to ETSI/ITS-G5, namely Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT), Map Data (MAP), Collective Perception Message (CPM), and Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM).</div></div>


SAE International

Reference20 articles.

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3. Zimmer , W. , Creß , C. , Nguyen , H.T. , and Knoll , A.C. 2023 https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2306.09266

4. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt 2023 https://verkehrsforschung.dlr.de/de/projekte/testfeld-niedersachsen-fuer-automatisierte-und-vernetzte-mobilitaet

5. University of Michigan 2023 https://mcity.umich.edu

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