Sex Differences in Low-Level Multisensory Integration in Developmental Dyslexia


Glica Agnieszka,Wasilewska Katarzyna,Kossowski Bartosz,Żygierewicz Jarosław,Jednoróg Katarzyna


Reading acquisition involves the integration of auditory and visual stimuli. Thus, low-level audiovisual multisensory integration might contribute to disrupted reading in developmental dyslexia. Although dyslexia is more frequently diagnosed in males and emerging evidence indicates that the neural basis of dyslexia might differ between sexes, previous studies examining multisensory integration did not evaluate potential sex differences nor tested its neural correlates. In the current study on 88 adolescents and young adults, we found that only males with dyslexia showed a deficit in multisensory integration of simple nonlinguistic stimuli. At the neural level, both females and males with dyslexia presented smaller differences in response to multisensory compared to those in response to unisensory conditions in the N1 and N2 components (early components of event-related potentials associated with sensory processing) than the control group. Additionally, in a subsample of 80 participants matched for nonverbal IQ, only males with dyslexia exhibited smaller differences in the left hemisphere in response to multisensory compared to those in response to unisensory conditions in the N1 component. Our study indicates that deficits of multisensory integration seem to be more severe in males than females with dyslexia. This provides important insights into sex-modulated cognitive processes that might confer vulnerability to reading difficulties.


Narodowe Centrum Nauki


Society for Neuroscience


General Neuroscience

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