Reliable intracavity reflection for self-injection locking lasers and microcomb generation


Shen Bitao,Zhang Xuguang,Wang Yimeng,Tao Zihan,Shu Haowen1,Chang Huajin,Li Wencan,Zhou YanORCID,Ge Zhangfeng,Chen Ruixuan,Bai Bowen,Chang Lin,Wang Xingjun1


1. Peng Cheng Laboratory


Self-injection locking has emerged as a crucial technique for coherent optical sources, spanning from narrow linewidth lasers to the generation of localized microcombs. This technique involves key components, namely a laser diode and a high-quality cavity that induces narrow-band reflection back into the laser diode. However, in prior studies, the reflection mainly relied on the random intracavity Rayleigh backscattering, rendering it unpredictable and unsuitable for large-scale production and wide-band operation. In this work, we present a simple approach to achieve reliable intracavity reflection for self-injection locking to address this challenge by introducing a Sagnac loop into the cavity. This method guarantees robust reflection for every resonance within a wide operational band without compromising the quality factor or adding complexity to the fabrication process. As a proof of concept, we showcase the robust generation of narrow linewidth lasers and localized microcombs locked to different resonances within a normal-dispersion microcavity. Furthermore, the existence and generation of localized patterns in a normal-dispersion cavity with broadband forward–backward field coupling is first proved, as far as we know, both in simulation and in experiment. Our research offers a transformative approach to self-injection locking and holds great potential for large-scale production.


National Key Research and Development Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission

Natural Science Foundation of Beijing Municipality

Nantong Municipal Science and Technology Bureau

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation


Optica Publishing Group

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