1. Quantum Sensors Research Center
2. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
3. Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
Complementarity, a fundamental tenet of quantum optics, is
indispensable for elucidating the fundamental principles of quantum
physics and advancing quantum information processing applications. In
the context of wave–particle duality, induced-coherence experiments
were understood through the lens of which-path information.
Conversely, the stimulated-coherence experiments were explained by
using the indistinguishability of the photon statistics of conjugate
photons as a means of realizing complementarity. Here, we report a
systematic approach for establishing a complementary relationship
between the interference visibility, concurrence, and predictability
in the crossing of induced and stimulated coherences of two-mode
squeezed coherent states. This is achieved using a double-path
interferometer involving two independent four-wave mixing (FWM) atomic
samples generated via spontaneous and stimulated FWM processes from a
warm atomic ensemble of 87Rb. We demonstrate that the
transition from quantum to classical behavior can be characterized by
the induced coherence effect, distinguishing between the two-mode
squeezed vacuum and coherent states. Moreover, our experimental
scheme, employing two FWM atomic ensembles with long-coherent photons,
provides valuable insights into the complementarity of which-path
information in induced and stimulated coherences.
Regional Innovation Strategy
Institute of Information &
Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation
National Research Foundation of
Korea Research Institute of Standards and