1. CNR - Istituto Officina dei Materiali (IOM)
This Letter reports on investigations of novel, to the best of our knowledge, NiV(Ni93V7)/Ti multilayer mirrors for the operation in the wavelength region of 350–450 eV. Such mirrors are promising optical components for the Z-pinch plasma diagnostic. The NiV/Ti multilayers show superior structural and optical performance compared to conventional Ni/Ti multilayers. Replacing Ni with NiV in multilayers decreases interface widths and enhances the contrast of the refractive index between the absorber and spacer layers. The improvement of interface quality contributes to the enhancement in reflectance. Under the grazing incidence of 13°, a peak reflectivity of 25.1% at 429 eV is achieved for NiV/Ti multilayers, while 17.7% at 427 eV for Ni/Ti.
National Natural Science Foundation of China-China Academy of General Technology Joint Fund for Basic Research
National Natural Science Foundation of China