Phytopathogenic background regulation of winter wheat crops under organic cultivation


Horodyska I.1ORCID,Ternovyi Yu.2ORCID,Mazur S.1ORCID


1. Institute of Agroecology and Environmental management of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine

2. Skvirsk research station of organic production of the IAP of the National Academy of Sciences, Skvira, Ukraine


Agrotechnical and biological measures for regulation and controlling phytopathogens and their impact on the quantitative indicators of the winter wheat harvest under organic cultivation have been determined. It was found that the treatment of winter wheat seed material with the chemical agent «Vitavax» resulted in a yield increase of 10 %. Seed treatment with the organic fertilizer «Amineon», as well as the combination of chemical and biological agents, contributed to a 12.5 % increase in winter wheat yield. At the same time, the weight of 1000 winter wheat seeds in the treated variants was 9-11 % higher than in the control variant (untreated). In the absence of any pre-sowing seed treatment options, the development of common bunt (Tilletia caries Tul.) in winter wheat crops results in grain contamination at a level of 31,250.0 spores/seed, which is 2.6 times higher than in the variant treated with the organic fertilizer «Amineon» and 5.3 times higher than in the variant treated with the chemical agent «Vitavax». The best results were obtained in the variant with a combination of chemical and biological agents, where grain contamination was determined to be ten times lower than in the untreated variant (control). Justification for implementing measures to control and regulate the phytopathogenic state of organic winter wheat crops, combining the use of biological plant protection agents with agronomic practices. The implementation of measures to control and regulate the phytopathogenic state of organic crops of winter wheat, combining the use of biological plant protection agents with agrotechnical methods, is substantiated. The most harmful among fungal diseases of winter wheat is common bunt. Crop loss in winter wheat due to crop infection by the pathogen amounted to 10.0-12.5 %. Pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds reduces grain contamination by Tilletia caries Tul. by 2.6-10.0 times compared to the control, depending on the treatment variant. Implementing measures to control and regulate the phytopathogenic state of crops is a prerequisite for obtaining the highest possible yields of high-quality winter wheat. Key words: pathogen, contamination, common bunt, seed material, fungicidal action.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

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