Toxicological characteristics of the probiotic drug Bioseven


Dyuba A.1,Lyasota V.1ORCID


1. Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine


Ukraine's food security is determined by the production of a sufficient number of high-quality, ecologically harmless, complete food products of animal origin. Bacterial preparations based on live microbial cultures - pre and probiotics - have become widely used in most countries of the world, including Ukraine, in the technological process of growing agricultural animals, especially poultry. The purpose of the work was to conduct a toxicological characterization of the probiotic preparation Bioseven. The following research methods were used to obtain scientific information: zootechnical, zoohygienic, morphological, biochemical, statistical. The research was conducted on white Wistar rats of both sexes. Healthy animals with the ap propriate body weight were used in the experiments. Fluctuations in body weight in the respective groups did not exceed ±10.0 %. Animals were kept in groups in cages in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. It was established that when Bioseven was administered to white rats in doses of 1000, 2500, 5000 mg/kg, all animals remained alive and clinically healthy: the behavior of the animals was typical for this species of rodents. Activity, grooming, breathing rate, feed and water consumption in all groups did not differ significantly and were within physiological norms, no signs of intoxication were registered. Under the conditions of intragastric administration of the drug Bioseven LD 50 for white mice and rats is more than 5000 mg/kg of body weight. The use of the drug Bio-seven in the above doses for 30 days leads to kidney and liver damage in the animals of the third experimental group (10-fold dose). The application of the drug Bioseven to the animals of the two experimental groups did not show probable changes in the morphological and biochemical indicators of the blood compared to the control. The level of endogenous intoxication of the body of white rats (SZE) did not change between experimental animals. Thus, the toxicological characteristics of the probiotic preparation Bioseven indicate the absence of a suppressive effect of the probiotic Bioseven on the metabolic processes of the body of laboratory animals. Key words: probiotic, toxicological characteristics, suppressive effect, biochemical, ecologically harmless, complete, food products, animal origin, food safety, consumer.


The Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University


General Medicine

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