Cardiovascular risk factors and vascular complications in adults with earlyand late-onset diabetes in Mexico. Ensanut 2018


Rojas-Martínez Rosalba,Escamilla-Nuñez Consuelo,Castro-Porras Lilia,Gómez-Velasco Donaji,Romero-Martínez Martin,Aguilar-Salinas Carlos A


Objective. To inform the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and vascular complications in Mexican adults with early- and late-onset diabetes. Materials and methods. Information from adults aged 20 years and over participating in the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2018 was used. To compare variables, chi-square tests and Student’s t-test were performed. Multiple logistic regression models of having micro and macrovascular complications were obtained. Results. Prevalence of diagnosed hypertension on early and late diabetes onset were 37.8 and 51.5%, dyslipidemia 42.6 and 43.8%, tobacco consumption 13.5 and 10.2% and obesity 46.5 and 43.0%, respectively. The average time since diagnosis was 16.9 years for those with early-onset diabetes and 8.9 years for those with late-onset. Peripheral vascular disease in the group with early-onset diabetes was 13.5% (20.2% in those with 10 years and more of diabetes duration), and 5.3% in late-onset diabetes group (7.2% in those with 10 years and more of diabetes duration). Conclusion. Adults with earlyonset diabetes presented higher proportion of macrovascular complications, probably due to the longer exposure time to hyperglycemia. Patients with early-onset diabetes require intensive treatment to prevent cardiovascular events. Patients with late-onset diabetes require management of age-related comorbidities as hypertension and dyslipidemia.


Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica







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