1. Arakawa, A., A. Katayama, and Y. Mintz, 1969: Numerical simulation of the general circulation of the atmosphere. Proc. WMO/IUGG Sym. Nurn. Wea. Pred., Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 26-Dec. 4, 1968, Meteor. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, IV-7-IV-8-12.
2. Baumhefner, D. P., 1969: The real data forecast project at NCAR-a progress report. Proc. Meteor. Tech. Exchange Conf., USAF Air Weather Service, Colorado Springs, Colo., July 14-17, 1969, Air Weather Service, U.S. Air Force, 123-137.
3. Baumhefner, D. P., 1970 : Global real-data forecasts with the NCAR two-layer general circulation model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 98, 92-99.
4. Baumhefner, D. P., 1971: On the effect of an imposed southern boundary on numerical weather prediction in the Northern Hemisphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 28, 42-54.
5. Bjerknes, J., and Y. Mintz, 1955: Investigations of the general circulation of the atmosphere. Final Report No. AF19 (122)-48, Dept. of Meteorology, University of California at Los Angeles. (This report contains 16 articles on the general circulation research.)