


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


The article evaluates the legal regulation and accounting of capital investments and determines that a single and precise term that would determine their essence has not yet been developed. The difference in the definitions of capital investments is outlined, which leads to confusion in their evaluation and reflection in the system of accounting accounts. There are two approaches to determining the nature of capital investment in the legal framework: economic and accounting. The dynamics and structure of capital investments by types of assets in terms of 2015-2019 are presented. Based on the results of elaboration of the regulatory framework and scientific opinions of scientists, their own opinion on the definition of capital investment has been expressed. It is noted that in the organization of accounting for capital investments it is important to assess, classify, justify objects, as well as the allocation of costs to current (to maintain the object in working order) and attribute investments to capital (improving the functional properties of the object ). A generalized classification of capital investments is proposed, which will help to timely and fully systematize the accounts and reflect in the reporting of objective and reliable information. It was found that one of the problems of accounting for capital investments is the distribution of costs and investments incurred between current costs and capital investments. Entities are invited to develop their own criteria for identifying capital investment objects and assigning the cost of repairs (capital repairs) to capital investments and approve them in the accounting policy and order. In order to ensure the objectivity of the information on capital investments, alternative changes to the Chart of Accounts have been proposed in the part of the Capital Investments account. The submitted proposals will provide an opportunity to consider capital investments as a separate object of accounting and to assess the rationality of investments.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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