1. Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University
2. Vinnytsia National Technical University
Today, the issue of energy supply and the implementation of ecological systems of electricity generation is relevant, including in the agricultural sector of the economy. This issue is important not only at the state level, but also at the level of the world community. The world's leading countries are actively implementing world-leading technologies for the decarbonization of the energy sector. One of the options for the introduction of alternative and renewable energy sources in the agricultural sector of the economy of the leading countries of the world is the use of photovoltaic systems. The use of modern sources of electrical energy is also inherent in the transport industry. One of the options for such implementation is the use of photovoltaic systems in electrical networks of electric transport and auxiliary systems and infrastructure complexes. Also, attention should be paid to modern global trends in the development of distributed energy systems, which are characterized to a large extent by the use of new progressive developments in power electronics. Also, attention should be paid to modern world trends in the development of distributed energy systems, which are characterized by the use of new progressive developments in power electronics, which are already used in various areas of the economy [1]. Therefore, network converters of electrical energy, which are operated as part of distributed generation systems and as part of complexes based on renewable sources of electrical energy, must meet the parameters of the network, and their control system must be adaptive to stochastic modes of network operation and modes of generation by renewable sources of electric energy. Meanwhile, attention should be paid to the synchronization of three-phase electrical energy converters with the electrical network to which they are connected, which must be ensured by a system for regulating their operation. It should be noted that the structures of control systems of network converters have a significant difference from the structures of control systems of autonomous converters, which directly concerns inverters. This state of affairs is connected with the peculiarity of the functioning of network inverters. Since the specified converters have a modulated sinusoidal voltage using PWM to form in accordance with the parameters of the network to which they are connected. Therefore, the issue of synthesizing a mathematical method that will simplify the development of an automatic control system and also optimize the computing resources of the power converter control controller for photovoltaic systems is relevant. On the basis of analytical data, it is possible to predict with full confidence the post-war development of Ukraine's economy based on the introduction of modern progressive technologies in the field of energy. To date, the sustainable development of the economic and energy component of Ukraine's economy is postponed. Meanwhile, electric power generation systems remain a priority in the context of not only implementation into existing power supply systems, but also relevant in the context of national energy security. The paper considers the use of Park's transformation in the development of control systems for network inverters of photovoltaic systems. The results of the research, which were conducted on inverters whose control systems were built using the proposed mathematical apparatus, confirm high control accuracy and efficiency, without spending a large amount of computing resources of the microcontroller. The proposed approach to building control systems for inverters of photovoltaic systems will allow to increase the efficiency of the operation of photovoltaic systems, which will make them more economically attractive for implementation in the agricultural sector of the economy.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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