Olshanskiy Vasyl,Slipchenko Maksym,Solona Olena,Kupchuk Ihor
A nonlinear differential equation of the force of direct central impact of elastic bodies of revolution, which have a singular point on the boundary contact surface, where its curvature is infinite, is compiled. To determine the coefficients of the equation and the order of its power nonlinearity, the well-known solution of the axisymmetric contact problem of the theory of elasticity, constructed by I. Ya. Shtaermann, is used. In the formulation of the dynamic problem, the classical assumptions of the theory of quasi-static impact proposed by H. Hertz were also used. The constituted equation of impact force is reduced to the Bernoulli equation and its closed analytical solution is constructed, which is expressed in terms of the Ateb-sine. Analytical time dependences of the impact force and the convergence of the centers of mass of elastic bodies are obtained. Compact formulas have been derived for calculating the maxima of these quantities, as well as the durations of the process of compression and impact of bodies. Compact approximations of Ateb-sine by elementary functions are proposed. Thanks to these approximations, it was possible to obtain a fairly simple analytical sweep in time of a fast-flowing mechanical process. Traditionally, in other works such a scan was obtained by numerical solution of the corresponding integral equations that determine the force of an impact. Examples of calculations are given in which the influence of various factors on the main characteristics of a body impact with a small initial velocity is investigated. The limitation on the collision rate is due to the elastic formulation of the problem, where the possibility of plastic deformations is excluded. As a result of this formulation, the need to determine the rate of recovery rate has disappeared, for it is equal to one. Comparison of numerical results is carried out, to which the obtained analytical solutions and the numerical integration of the impact force equation on a computer lead. Small divergences of the results confirmed the accuracy of the derived calculation formulas. Numerical results relate to the impact of a steel body on a fixed rubber half-space, the analogue of which is observed in practice when falling pieces of mineral raw materials on the rolls of a vibration classifier lined with rubber.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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