1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
The relevance of scientific and analytical research is based on the fact that the study of the condition, problems and prospects of domestic vegetable growing can not be considered complete, there are few studied issues of vegetable growing in a market environment, modern forms of agro-industrial integration and efficiency, crisis management, etc.
The article considers the condition of the main problem - food supply of the population of Ukraine with food of own production. It is emphasized that the solution of this problem depends on the interaction of many factors that significantly affect the functioning of the national agri-food market. The market of vegetable products is designed to ensure a reliable supply of vegetables to the population by creating the necessary conditions for stable development of economic entities.
The main factors influencing the change in the volume of vegetable production taking into account the current situation in the vegetable market in Ukraine are studied. The elements of the strategy of development of the vegetable industry of agriculture of Ukraine are determined.
It is established that the problem of this industry is that domestic vegetable growing is highly dependent on imports. Ukraine continues to import a significant percentage of seeds, plant protection products, machinery and equipment, and spare parts from abroad. Therefore, the domestic producer chooses what allows him to remain competitive. This affects both the cost of production of domestic vegetables and prices for consumers of vegetable products.
It is emphasized that the high economic and social significance of vegetable production has led to the accelerated development of vegetable growing around the world. The transformation of vegetable growing into one of the main or main branches of agriculture, based on a developed material and technical base, the active use of the achievements of science and technology, is the subject of special concern of the condition.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
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