
Polishchuk Mihaylo1


1. Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


In order to maximize the potential of productivity of spring barley varieties, it is important to optimize the conditions for plant growth and development, which are, first of all, provided by the latest intensive agricultural technologies, which provide for the correct placement of crops in crop rotation after the respective precursors; optimal supply of plants with nutrients, taking into account their content in the soil; fractional application of nitrogen fertilizers during the growing season by phases of growth and stages of organogenesis; the use of retardants, integrated protection of plants against weeds, pests, diseases, timely and quality implementation of all agrotechnical measures. Research to study the effectiveness of different terms of spring barley sowing and doses of nitrogen fertilizers were conducted during 2018 - 2019 in the conditions of the research field of VSAU v. Agronomichne of Vinnytsia region on gray ashed soils. Weather conditions during the years of the research differed from the average long-term data with high temperature conditions and low rainfall, and accordingly the most favorable year for the growth and development of spring barley was 2018. It is shown the 2-years investigation results on study the effect of sowing dates and nitrogen fertilizations on productivity elements and quality indexes of spring barley grain under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe on gray forest soils. Accordingly, the highest levels of harvest of barley cultivars at different sowing dates were obtained under conditions of 2018. t should also be noted that the delay of sowing by 6 days in the years of research leads to a decrease in the yield level on average for all varieties by 0,42 – 0,64 t / ha, and a delay of 14 days leads to a decrease by 1,37 – 1,80 t / ha. The use of nitrogen fertilizers leads to an increase in the yield level of both cultivated varieties, and the highest crop yields of the Svarog variety were obtained in the experiment where the background + N60 was applied in the foliar fertilization (4,87 t / ha), and the lowest respectively in the control variant 3,16 t /ha, in the Armax variety a similar situation is observed, however, with lower indicators respectively 4,54 and 3,06 t / ha. The lowest values of protein content in the grain were obtained in the control variant where only N17 P17 K17 was applied to rows when sowing, and the use of nitrogen fertilization leads to an increase in this indicator and the highest values obtained in the variant of experiment 4, where Background (N17 P17 K17) + N60 in the foliar fertilization on the feeding phase of the tube exit. Key words: spring barley, nitrogen fertilizers, elements of the crop structure, yield, quality of production.


Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

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