Emergence of an Innovation-Driven Economy in the Regions of the Russian Federation in 2010-2019: Identifying Key Evaluation Criteria and Region Rankings


Netrebin Yuriy1ORCID,Medvedev Vadim2ORCID


1. Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology

2. Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation


Introduction. The purpose of the study is to analyse the level of Russia's science and technology system and to determine the country's placein the international rankings by comparing the performance metrics achieved so far with the showings of the world's leading S&T powers, followed by the appropriate managerial decision-making in the areas requiring the government's immediate attention. Methods. The research tools employed are statistical data grouping, comparative analysis and the formal logical methods. Results and Discussion. Since 2014, various factors (namely foreign policy and economic factors, geopolitical situation, oil market volatility and instability of the national currency) have acted as catalysts of crisis in the national economy, leading to a decline in Russia's international rankings. Following a degree of adaptation to the external changes and a partial economic recovery by 2018-2020, Russia's position has levelled off, but the pre-crisis levels have yet to be achieved. The results of the survey show an overall positive dynamic, with the most significant progress observable in the rankings that characterise competitiveness of the national economy. Conclusion. The findings of the study have practical relevance and can be used to adjust the national policy on scientific and technological development.


Russian Research Institute of Economics - Politics and Law in Science and Technology

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