Mineralogická charakteristika granátického skarnu z lokality Trohanka pri Prakovciach (gemerikum, Slovenská republika)


Myšľan Pavol,Ružička Peter,Števko Martin,Mikuš Tomáš


Garnet skarn mineralization was recently studied at the Trohanka locality near Prakovce (Gemeric Unit, Eastern Slovakia). Ca-skarn forms lenticular bodies in green schist environment. It mainly consists of zonal garnets, pyroxenes, amphiboles and magnetite accumulations. Studied garnets are rich in andradite component (up to 89.95 mol. %) with minor grossular component (6.83 - 39.67 mol. %). Strong oscillatory zoning in andradite is caused by substitution of Fe3+ and Al3+. Most pyroxenes are rich in the hedenbergite component. In some cases, euhedral diopside crystals with marginal transition zones (composed of diopside with lower content of Mg2+ and higher content of Fe2+) were found in hedenbergite matrix. Amphiboles are dominantly represented by ferro-actinolite and ferro-hornblende in association with isolated euhedral crystals of ferro-tschermakite and ferro-pargasite. Indistinct chemical zonality of amphibole euhedral crystals is caused by presence of ferro-pargasite in the central parts and ferro-tschermakite in the peripheral parts of crystals.


Bulletin Mineralogie Petrologie


Economic Geology,Geochemistry and Petrology,Geology

Reference43 articles.

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