1. Department of Pathology, Medical Laboratory Technology, NIMS College of Paramedical Technology, NIMS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Nutritional anemia is the most common preventable cause of anemia. Anemia of nutritional origin is an acquired problem caused by consumption of diets that lack sufficient quantity of vitamin B12 levels and serum iron and other components. As per World Health Organization guidelines, hemoglobin (Hb) of <10 g/dL concentration treated as anemia. Nutritional anemia is identified by determining Hb concentrations, evaluating red cell indices and examining peripheral blood picture accompanying serum iron parameters and serum vitamin B12 level.
To study complete blood count indices with different serum vitamin B12 levels and serum iron profile among nutritional anemia patients attending NIMS Hospital, Jaipur.
Materials and Methods:
An observation study was conducted among 274 patients having nutritional anemia from General medicine out patients between 15 and 60 years. Two blood samples were collected from each participant to estimate the complete blood counts and red blood cells (RBCs) morphology and to analyze the iron profile and vitamin B12.
This presence study shows nutritional anemia in 55% of women than men. 15.6% of patients were from age group 15–20 years. 56.57% patients had moderate anemia, 29.92% patients had severe anemia, and 13.56% patients had mild anemia. Study shows 55% population were nonvegetarians and 45% had vegetarian diet. Microcytic hypochromic blood picture was found in 59.49% patients.
Nutritional deficiency anemia was the most prevalent anemia. Peripheral smear is in concordance with serum iron parameters and serum vitamin B12 level. Our study suggests RBC morphology along with red cell indices in diagnosis and management of nutritional anemia which can be cured by dietary adjustment and fortification of food with iron and other micronutrients.