1. EduServ, Athens access management system: general information, available at: http://www.athens.ac.uk/info/.
2. R. Medina, The RewritingProxyTME project, available at: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/rewritingpxytme/.
3. J. Vega, et al., Remote operation in the TJ-II fusion device. Invited talk at the TERENA Networking Conference, Zagreb, 2003, available at: http://www.terena.nl/conferences/tnc2003/programme/programme.html.
4. SURFnet, The A-select authentication system, available at: http://www.a-select.surfnet.nl/.
5. UNINETT, FEIDE project, available at: http://www.uninett.no/prosjekt/feide/index.en.html.