1. F. Najmabadi, The ARIES Team, Overview of ARIES-ST spherical torus power plant study, Fusion Eng. Des., this issue.
2. M.S. Tillack, X.R. Wang, J. Pulsifer, et al., Fusion power core engineering for the ARIES-ST power plant, Fusion Eng. Des., this issue.
3. L.A. El-Guebaly, The ARIES Team, ARIES-ST Nuclear Analysis and Shield Design, this issue.
4. R. O'Dell, et al., User's Manual for ONEDANT: A Code Package for One-Dimensional, Diffusion-Accelerated, Neutral Particle Transport, Los Alamos National Laboratory report, LA-9184-M (1982).
5. R. MacFarlane, FENDL/MG-1.0, Library of Multigroup Cross Sections in GENDF and MATXS formet for Neutron-Photon Transportat Calculations, Report IAEA-NDS-129, Rev. 2, International Atomic Energy Agency (April 1995).