1. “Ignorabimus” (We shall never know), 1870. See: G. Finkelstein, Emil du Bois-Reymond on “The Seat of the Soul.”;Dubois-Reymond;J. Hist. Neurosci. Basic Clin. Perspect.,2014
2. Über die Laienanalyse (On Psychoanalysis by Lay People);Freud,1926
3. Mother's Songs, Games and Stories;Fröbel,1844
4. Ganesha, Hindu God of Luck in Life for Children and Adults and for the Transitions in between, cf.: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1p0eik_ganpati-devotional-songs-with-english-lyrics-collection-of-ganesha-aarti_music.
5. Evolution the Modern Synthesis;Huxley,1942