1. J.H. Hirschenhofer, D.B. Stauffer, R.R. Engleman, Fuel Cells Handbook, DOE/METC-94/1006 (E94004072), Available at National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1994.
2. Proceedings of the Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance Workshop (SECA), Baltimore, MD, Available at National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 1–2 June 2000.
3. M.V. Twigg (Ed.), Catalyst Handbook, Wolfe Publishing Ltd., 1989.
4. Fuel processor integrated H2S catalytic partial oxidation technology for sulfur removal in fuel cell power plants☆
5. D.A. Berry, T.H. Gardner, R.E. James, W. Rogers, D. Shekhawat, Fuel processing of diesel for fuel cells, Annual Report Fuel Cells for Transportation Program, Department of Energy Office of Transportation Technology, November 2002.