1. R.I. Hegde, D.H. Triyoso, P.J. Tobin, S. Kalpat, M.E. Ramon, H.-H. Tseng, J.K. Schaeffer, E. Luckowski, W.J. Taylor, C.C. Capasso, D.C. Gilmer, M. Moosa, A. Haggag, M. Raymond, D. Roan, J. Nguyen, L.B. La, E. Hebert, R. Cotton, X.-D. Wang, S. Zollner, R. Gregory, D. Werho, R.S. Rai, L. Fonseca, M. Stoker, C. Tracy, B.W. Chan, Y.H. Chiu, B.E. White, Jr., in: Technical Digest – International Electron Devices Meet, vol. 39, 2005.
2. Impact of Zr addition on properties of atomic layer deposited HfO2
3. High-κ gate dielectrics: Current status and materials properties considerations
4. First-principles study of structural, vibrational, and lattice dielectric properties of hafnium oxide
5. Phonons and lattice dielectric properties of zirconia