RETRACTED: Periods 1 and 2


Kloprogge J. Theo,Ponce Concepcion P.,Loomis Tom A.



Reference133 articles.

1. Undersökning af några vid Utö Jernmalmsbrott förekommende Fossilier, och af ett deri funnet eget Eldfast Alkali;Arfwedson;Afhandlingar i Fysik, Kemi och Mineralogi,1818

2. Untersuchung einiger bei der Eisen-Gru be von Utö vorkommenden Fossilien und von einem darin gefundenen neuen feuerfesten Alkali;Arfwedson;Journal für Chemie und Physik,1818

3. II. Untersuchungen über Flussspathsäure und deren merkwürdigsten Verbindungen;Berzelius;Annalen der Physik,1824

4. Undersökning af flusspatssyran och dess märkvärdigaste föreningar;Berzelius;Kongliga Vetenskaps-Academiens Handlingar,1824

5. Boyle, R. (1672). Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle containing New experiments, touching the relation betwixt flame and air, and about explosions, an hydrostatical discourse occasion”d by some objections of Dr. Henry More against some explications of new experiments made by the author of these tracts: to which is annex”t, An hydrostatical letter, dilucidating an experiment about a way of weighing water in water, new experiments, of the positive or relative levity of bodies under water, of the air”s spring on bodies under water, about the differing pressure of heavy solids and fluids, Printed for Richard Davis, book-seller in Oxon, London.







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