1. Angell, T. S., and Kleinman, R. E. (1978). “Optimal control problems in radiation and scattering.” In Proc. of Symposium on “Applied Mathematics” (A. J. Hermans and M. W. C. Oosterveld, eds.), pp. 78–90. Delft University Press, Sijthoff and Noordhoff.
2. “Optimally directed antennas.”;Angell,1979
3. Angell, T. S., and Kleinman, R. E. (1980). “Boundary integral equations for the Helmholtz equation; the third boundary value problem.” University of Delaware Applied Mathematics Institute Technical Report 73A.
4. Angell, T. S., and Kleinman, R. E. (1980). “Scattering control by impedance loading.” University of Delaware Applied Mathematical Technical Report 81A (to be included in Proc. of Int. URSI Symposium 1980 on Electromagnetic Waves,” Munich).
5. Angell, T. S., and Nashed, M. Z. (1979). “Operator-theoretic and computational aspects of ill-posed problems in antenna theory.” In Proc. Int. Symposium on “Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems,” Vol. 3 (P. Dewilde, ed.). Delft University Press, Western Periodicals.