1. Cereceda, L., J. van den Heuvel and M. Johnson, Connectedness of the graph of vertex-colourings, CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2005-11 (2005). Available from http://www.cdam.lse.ac.uk/Reports/reports2005.html; accepted for publication in Discrete Math.
2. Cereceda, L., J. van den Heuvel and M. Johnson, Mixing 3-colourings in bipartite graphs, CDAM Research Report LSE-CDAM-2007-06 (2007). Available from http://www.cdam.lse.ac.uk/Reports/reports2007.html; submitted
3. Cereceda, L., J. van den Heuvel and M. Johnson, Finding paths between 3-colourings, in preparation
4. Bonsma, P., and L. Cereceda, Finding paths between graph colourings: PSPACE-completeness and superpolynomial distances, in preparation
5. Randomly coloring sparse random graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree;Dyer;Random Struct. Algor.,2006