1. Night noise guidelines for Europe, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2009
2. Burden of disease from environmental noise, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2011
3. Opinion of the Committee of the regions on ‘the Environmental Noise Directive – the way forward’, Committee of the Regions, 2012/C 113/08, Official Journal of the European Union, 18.4, 40-44, 2012.
4. Traffic Noise in Residential Areas, Environmental Protection Agency’s Guidelines no. 3/1984, https://www2.mst.dk/udgiv/Publications/2001/87-7944-519-5/html/kap13_eng.htm.
5. HN 33:2011 Lithuanian Hygiene Norm. Acoustic Noise, Limit Values in Residential and Public Buildings and their Environment [in Lithuanian:] Triukšmo ribiniai dydžiai gyvenamuosiuose ir visuomeninės paskirties pastatuose bei jų aplinkoje.