1. Anon. Research into Noise Levels in London, Greater London Council, Inner London Education Authority, 18 June 1965: a joint report of the Planning and Communications Committee, the Highways and Traffic Committee, the Housing Committee and the Education Committee; four different report numbers were assigned, one for each committee, as follows: P. C. 213, H. T. 102, Hg. 101 and Ed. 410; see Table 19.
2. Étude de la Gêne due au Trafic Automobile Urbain: Annexe 4—Catalogue des Caracteristiques du Bruit aux Divers Points de Mesure;Aubrée,1971
3. L'Influence de l'Intensité de la Circulation et de l'Aménagement des Artères de Communication sur le Niveau des Bruits Mesuré sur la Facade d'un Bâtiment et Étude des Propriétés Acoustiques de Modèles Quartiers Residentiels;Sadowski,1971
4. Acoustic Problems in High-Rise Buildings;Sadowski,1972
5. Data from the files of Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.