1. Martin, R.J., Bidwell, V.J., and Dent, J.B., 1982, Proc. 5th Int. Alcohol Fuel Tech. Symp., Auckland, New Zealand, 1, 29.
2. Feasey, G.D., McGregor, M.J., and Sharp, B.M.H., 1982, 5th Symp. *3, 295.
3. Brooks, R.B., 1982, 5th Alc. Symp. *1, 3.
4. Celis, R., Vedova, M., and Villasuso, J.M., 1982, 5th Alc. Symp. *Paper E8.
5. Bernhardt, W., 1982, 5th Alc. Symp. *Paper H2.