1. P. Carton, J.P. Chrétien, and M. Maurette. Simulation and control of space manipulators bearing complex payloads. In Automatic Control in Aerospace, Proceedings of the XIth IFAC Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, July 1989.
2. J.P. Chrétien. SECAFLEX : an experimental setup for the study of active control of flexible structures. In American Control Conference, volume 2, pages 1397–1402, Pittsburgh, Pa, June 21–23 1989.
3. D. Alazard and J. P. Chrétien. Stratégie de commande dynamique pour la manipulation de charges utiles complexes. Rapport Final 4/7717a(texte), b(planches), CNES/DERA, Juin 1991.
4. S. Gomes and J.P. Chrétien. Dynamic modelling and friction compensated control of a manipulator joint. In IEEE Robotic and Automation Proceedings, Nice, May 10–15 1992. IEEE. To be published.