1. Drake M. K. (Editor) (1970) Data formats and procedures for the ENDF neutron cross section library, Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL-50274.
2. Stenberg C. G. ETOE-2, A program for data conversion of ENDF/B to MC2−2/SDX, Argonne National Laboratory, to be published.
3. Weisbin C. R., Soran P. D., MacFarlane R. E., Harris D. R., LaBuare R. J., Hendricks J. S., White J. E. and Kidman R. B. (1976) MINX: A multigroup interpretation of nuclear X-Sections from ENDF/B, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, LA-6486-MS.
4. Schenter R. E., Baker J. F. and Kidman R. B. (1969) ETOX, A code to calculate group constants for nuclear reactor calculations, Battel le Northwest Laboratory, BNWL-1002, May.
5. Toppel B. J., Henryson H. II and Stenberg C. G. (1978) ETOE-2/MC2−2/SDX multigroup neutron cross-section processing, A Review of Multigroup Nuclear Cross-Section Processing, Proc. of Seminar-Workshop, ORNL, ORNL/RSIC-41.