1. Processing of Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, ed. H. Mostaghaci, CIM Conference of Metallurgists, August 20–24, 1989, Pergamon Press, New York.
2. A. D. McLeod, C. Gabryel, D. J. Lloyd and P. Morris, Processing of Ceramic and Metal Matrix Composites, ed. H. Mostaghaci, CIM Conference of Metallurgists, August 20–24, 1989, pp. 228–235, Pergamon Press, New York.
3. G. S. Hanumanth and G. A. Irons, to be published in Internatiunal Conference on Fabrication of Particulate Reinforced Metal Composites, September 16–19, 1990, Montreal.
4. G. B. Wallis, Interactions between Fluids and Particles, Instn. Chem. Engrs., London, pp. 9–16.