1. “Report of the Director-General on the Intergovernmental Conference on the Planning of National Documentation, Library and Archives Infrastructures, Paris, 23–27 September, 1974, Items 15–17 of the Provisional Agenda, Annex, Recommendations.” Paris, Unesco, General Conference, Eighteenth Session, 9 October, 1974. [17pp.]
2. Reedijk, C., “Report to IFLA members/IFLA G.C. Meeting, – Washington, Annex, A74–41c.” The Hague, International Federation of Library Associations, 15th October, 1974. [10pp.]
3. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Classification of Educational Systems in OECD Member Countries, Summary Volume. Paris, OECD, 1975, p. 5.
4. “School Libraries in the United States,”;Gaver,1972
5. “The Changing School Library: An Instructional Media Centre,”;Dane,1970