1. J. Welling, ‘Ocean Facts and Seascape F–1991’, (Courtesy of the Artist and Jay Gorney Modern Art, New York), 1998. James Welling, (web page; Accessed 2001).
2. Ocean 98 – Ocean Facts and Statistics, ‘Life in the Oceans; an Ocean of Information; Quick Facts About the Earth’s Oceans; Coastal Issues’. Council of Monterey Bay Marine Libraries http://www.ocean98.org/fact, (accessed 23 November 2001).
3. ‘De Valk Environmental Law- Copyright (98/99’ ‘Biodiversity.nl; Oceans and Seas; Endangered Oceans (Monterey Bay Aquarium); Endangered Seas (Panda. org); De Valk Webpages’, (Last update: 28 March 2001).
4. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Report, ‘Report on the World’s Oceans’, (composed by: mainly, P. Johnston, D. Santillo, R. Stringer and J. Ashton, GRL, University of Exeter, UK), 1998.
5. Ecoworld Inc. ‘References and Sources: Marine Biological Laboratory; Guiness World Records 2001: United Nations; The World Bank 2000 World Development Indicators; W. Vermaas; NSA; USGS’ 2001.