1. Owen R. Demodex folliculorum, in: Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals. London: Longman, 1843;19(1):252
2. de la Cruz M. Aztec manuscript, translated to Latin by -Badiano J. Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis. 1552. Archived currently in the Mexican Institute of Anthropology and History, in the city of México (México).
3. Badiano J. Vide: de la Cruz M., in Reference 2.
4. Henle J. [Handbook of General Anatomy]. Leipzig (1841). Braunschweig 1866;2:605. German
5. Berger E. Compt Rendu Hebdt Acad Sci (Paris).1845;20;1506 (Published 4 years after the observation). French